Helping You Create Community-Based Correctional Programs
The Indiana Association of Community Corrections Act Counties puts forth the following Code of Ethics for community-based corrections personnel. This code encourages public trust and confidence in the operation of community-based sanctions and serves as a guide for public expectations. IACCAC believes that our profession should commit to these minimum standards and practices for the enhancement of community-based corrections.
Community Corrections Personnel Shall Endeavor To:
- Respect the importance of all elements of the criminal justice system and cultivate a professional cooperation with each segment. Respect and protect the right of the public to be safeguarded from criminal/delinquent activity.
- Respect the authority and follow the directives of the Court.
- Encourage relationships with colleagues of such character as to promote mutual respect within the profession and improvement of its quality of service.
- Respect the civil and legal rights of all program participants.
- Be accountable to the general public.
- Serve each case with appropriate concern for the participant's welfare and with no purpose of personal gain.
- Subject to the participant's right of privacy, respect the public's right to know.
- Willingly share information with the public with openness and candor.
- Conduct one's self with dignity and fairness. Maintain the integrity of private information; community corrections personnel will neither seek personal data beyond that needed to perform his/her responsibilities, nor reveal case information to anyone not having proper professional use for such.
- Report without reservation any corrupt or unethical behavior which could affect either a participant or the integrity of the department.
- Not discriminate against any employee, prospective employee, or program participants on the basis of race, sex, creed, or national origin.
- Clearly distinguish between those public statements that are personal views and those that are statements and positions on behalf of a department.
Community Corrections Personnel Shall Endeavor Not To:
- Use official position to secure privileges or advantages.
- Operate or act in any manner that is contrary to the best interest of the program or community.
- Permit personal interest to impair, in the least degree, the objectivity which is to be maintained in their official capacity.
- Accept any gift or favor of a nature which implies an obligation that is inconsistent with the free and objective exercise of professional responsibilities.
- Make statements critical of colleagues or their departments unless these are constructive in purpose.
Community Corrections began to emerge as a statewide priority in Indiana in the late 1970s when the Indiana Lawyers Commission, key legislators, and representatives of the academic community began a collaboration which was to result in Indiana's Community Corrections Grant Act. Active in this collaborative effort were Cleon Faust, formerly of Indiana University Law School, Dr. Val Clear of Anderson University, Mark Umbright representing Prisoners and Community Together ( PACT), a not-for-profit agency, and former Senator Les Duvall. These concerns resulted in the passage for the Community Corrections Act by the Indiana General Assembly in 1979, under I.C. 11-21-1.
To ensure that community corrections programs would be community-based, the legislation mandated that Advisory Boards be formed which would have representation from government and lay persons in the community. In 1981, three pioneering programs were funded at a total amount of $250,000.00.
During the early years of Community Corrections, the funded counties expressed an interest in creating a state association. On June 23, 1984, those interested in forming an association met and established a Planning Committee to discuss the final steps in organizing the Indiana Association of Community Correction Act Counties (IACCAC). The first meeting of the Board of Directors was held on August 15, 1984 with Randall Woodruff, Executive Director of Madison County Community Corrections, serving as Chairperson. During this meeting, the by-laws were adopted. The Association consisted of eleven counties receiving funding.
By 1989, thirty-five counties were receiving Indiana Department of Correction funding. During this period the grant programs were faced with a unique challenge. Many local jurisdictions were still using their adult jails to detain juveniles in violation of the Federal Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974. This challenge resulted in legislative enactment of a law requiring counties to reduce and then eliminate this practice as a condition for receiving Community Corrections Grant Act funds. Funding for the jail removal programs was held jointly between the Indiana Criminal Justice Agency and the Indiana Department of Correction. With the creation of this partnership, funds were made available for community correction grants to counties desirous of serving juvenile populations. The removal of juveniles housed in adult jails was successful as a result for this partnership.
Throughout the years, Indiana Association of Community Corrections Act Counties goal has been devoted to implementing legislation which strengthens Community Corrections. Through the efforts of Community Corrections Directors the Advisory Board statute IC 11-12-2 was amended to include a victim representative. Other legislation written includes the addition of the Direct Commitment provision which enables the offender to serve under an executed sentence through a Community Corrections agency. These are only a few examples of the impact that IACCAC has had in Indiana.
As of June, 2014, 84 out of 92 counties receive funding through IC 11-12-1. Indiana Association of Community Corrections Act Counties and its members are always aware of and strive to maintain its mission to promote and facilitate the professional identity, development and enhancement of community-based corrections. We will continue to devote our enthusiasm, talent and energy to improving Indiana and its criminal justice system.
Updated IACCAC Strategic Plan 2020-2022 Downloadable PDF
(Effective Date: January 24, 2020; Updated: May 14, 2021)
IACCAC will be a universally recognized leader in the support and implementation of evidence based practices.
To promote and facilitate the professional identity, development and enhancement of community supervision using the principles of effective interventions.
IACCAC will orchestrate collaborative efforts among members and stakeholders that foster professional relationships and mutual trust.
- The Membership Committee will develop a Welcome Packet for new members to include a welcome letter, a copy of the by-laws, website information, committee information, contact information, and other important IACCAC information by the Spring Conference 2021.
- The Public Relations Committee will enhance the IACCAC Website and social media platforms to include a training calendar, a list of current facilitators in various curriculums who are willing to provide training to association members, a membership only page, and other information the association deems appropriate by the Fall Conference 2021.
- The Special Projects Committee will develop an IACCAC Policy and Procedures Manual by the Fall Conference in 2020.
- IACCAC will develop a web-based platform to store IACCAC related documents for the executive board by Spring Conference 2021.
IACCAC will promote professional development through effective training and mentoring programs for continuous improvement.
- The IACCAC training committee will develop a New Director Training presentation by the Fall Conference in November 2021 and provide this training twice a year thereafter.
- The IACCAC District Chairs will initiate communication with new directors and provide them with contact information of Directors in that district that are willing to help mentor the new Director by the Spring Conference in May 2021.
- The IACCAC training committee will develop an Advisory Board Training presentation by the Spring Conference in 2021. This presentation will be available on-line for Directors to provide to Advisory Boards as needed.
- IACCAC District Chairs and Conference Committees will foster standard Evidence Based Practices training regarding community supervision.
IACCAC will provide expertise in evidence based practice through data and research to stakeholders.
- IACCAC will collaborate with POPAI, Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council, Indiana Department of Correction other partners to define and present meaningful data points through 2022.
- IACCAC will have designated representation on the Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council, Corrections and Criminal Code Study Committee and Legislative Committees as warranted.
- IACCAC will have booths set up at various conferences with education packets to promote members and provide information about Community Corrections to those attendees.
IACCAC Quality Assurance to assure plan compliance.
- IACCAC will review and revise the strategic plan every year to be approved at the annual Spring Conference.
- The IACCAC Executive Board will assign plan goal/objectives to a committee who will report progress back to the IACCAC Board of Director’s quarterly.
- The IACCAC Executive Board will maintain a list of assigned committee members and monitor compliance through the reporting year.